Unser Magermilchpulver ist ein hochwertiges Produkt, das sich ideal für die Verwendung in der Lebensmittelindustrie eignet. Es hat einen niedrigen Fettgehalt und bietet dennoch einen reichen Geschmack, der in vielen Anwendungen verwendet werden kann. Magermilchpulver ist in verschiedenen Verpackungsgrößen erhältlich und eignet sich hervorragend für die Zubereitung von Milchgetränken und anderen Rezepten. Wir garantieren eine schnelle Lieferung und einen hervorragenden Kundenservice, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie die besten Produkte für Ihre Bedürfnisse erhalten. Wählen Sie unser Magermilchpulver für eine gesunde und nahrhafte Ergänzung zu Ihrer Ernährung.
La leche entera en polvo es un producto lácteo elaborado mediante la evaporación de la leche de vaca entera pasteurizada fresca. El producto también se denomina Leche entera en polvo dependiendo de la región.
La leche entera en polvo tiene muchos usos en la industria alimentaria. Se utiliza principalmente en las industrias de confitería, chocolate y helados, así como en la industria de la panificación. También se utiliza en la producción de alimentos congelados, bebidas a base de leche, sopas instantáneas, etc.
Milkyland milk 1.5% is a high-quality semi-skimmed milk that offers a rich and creamy taste with a reduced fat content. This milk is perfect for those who want to enjoy the delicious flavor of milk while maintaining a balanced diet. Ideal for drinking on its own, adding to coffee or tea, or using in cooking and baking, Milkyland milk 1.5% is a versatile choice for any kitchen.
Crafted with care and precision, Milkyland milk is treated with UHT processing to ensure a long shelf life without compromising on taste or quality. It is an excellent source of calcium and protein, making it a nutritious addition to your daily routine. Whether you're enjoying a glass of milk with breakfast or using it in your favorite recipes, Milkyland milk 1.5% is sure to satisfy your taste buds and meet your nutritional needs.
Our DANA TINS comes in tins of 400gr, 900gr, as well as 2500gr sizes.
Our DANA SACHETS comes in 15gr and 20gr packages
Our DANA POUCHES OF 400, 900, 1.8, & 2250 GRAMS
This is a great family size product that brings our finest quality milk powder to your market.
Our FCMP and IFCMP is made from pure, fresh cow’s milk. The milk powder is produced through a High Temperature Spray Dry process. The powder, when mixed again with water, carries the original, pure-homogenous, and full taste of fresh milk.
As a healthy and economical replacement for full cream milk, our FFMP and IFFMP are produced by mixing vegetable fat with our top quality skimmed milk powder. The product is mainly used in various confectioneries, bakery, and other industries as well as being used as a healthy drink-mix milk substitute.
Producer: Mars Polska
Categorie: Milk Drink – Sportscap
EAN unit: 5060122034142
Pieces in the carton: 18
Carton quantity on pallet: 261
Pieces quantity on pallet 4,698
Origin Poland
Shelf life
Label Text
Talc Powder for sale is a refined hydrated magnesium silicate which is an off-white powder. It is a common metamorphic mineral found naturally throughout the world. Talc is the softest mineral on the planet and is a tri-octahedral layered mineral with a similar structure to pyrophyllite but with magnesium in the octahedral sites of the composite layers. It is relatively inert and is virtually insoluble in water, weak acids and weak bases. Although it has very little chemical reactivity, talc does have an affinity for certain organic chemicals. Above 900C, talc loses its hydroxyl groups and above 1050C, it converts into anhydrous magnesium silicate. Above 1300C it melts. Talc is used in many industries such as paper making, plastic, paint and coatings, rubber, electric cable, ceramics, etc.
Uses of Talc
Talc has many applications in industry as it offers the following functions: lubricant, filler, electric and heat insulator, anti stick,
CAS number:14807-96-6
Molecular weight:379.26
MgO content:31.80%
SiO content:60.0%
Surface area:4.3m2/g
Demineralized whey powder (WP Demi) is whey powder with reduced mineral content, this product is perfect for infant formulas and health-focused food applications.
Sultan Maraslim 500 gr Lemon Ice Cream
Weight: 500 grams
Taste: Distinguishes itself with its refreshing and sweet lemon aroma. Provides a delicious experience with lemon's fresh and light sour taste alongside its creamy texture.
Usage Tips: Hunkar Maraslim 500 gr Lemon Ice Cream, especially for summer months, is the perfect choice to cool off. It can also be serviced with various desserts and fruits. Depending on preference, its taste can be enriched by adding garnitures such as grated lemon skin or mint leaves.
Storing Tips: The product should be kept in or under -18°C degrees in deep freeze. It is recommended to be consumed in short time after packaging is removed.
Packaging: The product is presented in a hygienic and durable plastic packaging. Necessary information such as storing tips, product information, weight and product name are present on the packaging.
Skimmed milk powder is produced by removing the water content from pasteurized skim milk through a process called spray-drying. The classification of skimmed milk powder is based on the heat treatment applied during its manufacturing, which can be categorized as high heat, medium heat or low heat.
*more standardised products available.
Full Cream Milk Powder (FCMP) is a spray dried product, derived from fresh pasteurized high quality whole cow’s milk by removal of water. FCMP has the same advantages & benefits as liquid whole fat milk, however in dried form it has a much longer shelf life. It has a high nutritive value. It can be used in many food applications, like: bakery, confectionery, yoghurt, milk drinks, ice cream, pastry, desserts, chocolate, sauces, soups, dressings, coffee whitening etc.
Milk Powder type
Dried Whole Milk Powder / Full Cream Milk Powder
Shelf life
12 - 18 Months (For Non-gas flushed packaging)
24 Months (For gas flushed packaging)
Production / MOQ / Export Market
5000 KG per Day
MOQ - 25MT 40ft Container / 21MT 20ft Container
Shipment worldwide
We are offering food grade product and our products include the following
Whey Permeate
Skimmed Milk Powder
Full Cream Milk Powder
Condensed Milk
Evaporated Milk
Cream Powder
Butter %82 and %73
Do get back to us for more information and details .
Coconut milk powder can be reconstituted into full-flavored coconut milk by simply adding water. It is also a great addition in drinks such as coffee, tea or smoothies as well as in cooking
ORIGINS:Sri Lanka or Philippines
For hungrier bottlefed babies, to help delay the early onset of weaning Our unique blend of ingredients Halaal approved
Now with increased levels of LCPs (Omega 3 & Omega 6)
Nutritionally tailored to support your baby’s next stage of development
Ultrapasteurized milk is a product that has undergone aseptic pasteurization. This processing method involves rapid heating of milk to a temperature of +150°C and instant cooling to +4°C. During ultra-pasteurization, most of the pathogenic organisms contained in milk are killed. At the same time, the natural composition of raw materials remains almost unchanged.
The product has a high content of calcium and other microelements, and also retains a significant amount of vitamins of group B, A, H, C, PP and D. Temperature treatment does not affect the level and degree of digestibility of lactose. Thanks to ultra-pasteurization, the shelf life of milk is significantly increased to 180 and 360 days in various types of packaging.
fats:3.2 g
proteins:3 g
Carbohydrates:4.7 g
"Our follow-on milk formulas are specially formulated to be suitable for healthy babies from 6 to 12 months.
We are able to provide you with follow-on milk formulas with high added-value ingredients such as :
-Essential fatty acids LA / ALA
-Supplementation with ARA / DHA
-Prebiotics (FOS, GOS)
For more information about our capabilities, please visit our website and contact us."
Our company buys extra quality milk from farms that have a veterinary export permit and sells this milk to the European dairy market. Our customers are commercially successful dairies in Italy, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, and Slovenia, who turn milk into excellent dairy products.
il cardo mariano è stato usato per secoli come rimedio
base di erbe per una varietà di malattie, principalmente
problemi ai reni, al fegato e alla cistifellea. La sostanza
flavonoide, chiamata silimarina, nel cardo mariano
presumibilmente protegge il fegato dalle tossine. La silimarina
può aiutare il fegato a ripararsi facendo crescere nuove cellule
grazie alle sue proprietà antiossidanti e antinfiammatorie. Il
cardo mariano ha un bel sapore di nocciola. I semi sono difficili
da mangiare direttamente, ecco perché il modo più preferibile
Usi: di consumazione è in polvere. Usi: L'uso tipico della polvere di semi di cardo mariano essiccato
è nella preparazione di frullati. Inoltre, il prodotto può essere
aggiunto a insalate, frullati, zuppe o succhi. Prendere mezzo
cucchiaino di polvere, cospargere sul piatto e mescolare.
Confezione:500g, 1 kg e sfuso
Mini tube de 60g de gourmandise. Existe aussi en boîte de 12 mini tubes.
Et dedans il y a quoi ?
Lait entier, sucre, arôme naturel de vanille.
Allergènes à la loupe
Bien le conserver c’est pas compliqué
Le lait concentré sucré en tube se conserve 1 an avant ouverture et 3 semaines au réfrigérateur après ouverture.
Tube et bouchon : à jeter avec les déchets ménagers.
Latte scremato in polvere tipo granulare,
Latte scremato in polvere tipo spray,
Latte scremato in polvere tipo granulare grosso,
Latte scremato in polvere tipo spray delattosato al 99%,
Latte intero in polvere grasso 26% tipo spray e tipo istantaneo,
Latte intero in polvere tipo roller,
Latte concentrato intero.
Vollmilchpulver eignet sich für eine vielzahl von Anwendungen, einschließlich Milchprodukte, Back- und Süßwaren, Trockenmischungen, Nahrungsergänzungsmittel und Snacks. Milky Holland s Full Cream Milk Powder eignet sich als Ersatz für flüssige Milch und Sahne. Es kann zur Herstellung von Trockenmischungen, Süßwaren, Backwaren, sportsportlichen Lebensmitteln, Säuglingsnahrung und Tiernahrung verwendet werden.
Chemische Ergebnisse: Ergebnisse:
Feuchtigkeit (%) 3.9
Milchfett (%)%) 26
Asche (%) 7.0
Protein (trockene Basis %) 100
Laktose (%) 55.2
UDWPN (mg/g) 2,4
Inlubility Index (mL) 1,0
Säuregehalt (%) 0.10
Schüttdichte (g/ml) 0,685
Verbrannte Partikel Standard A
pH-Wert (50 g/l Wasser bei 20 Grad C) 6,59
Mikroergebnisse: Ergebnisse:
Antibiotika Negativ
Phosphatase (ug/ml)
We sale best quality of all types of products . we are looking for serious buyers who are in search of any of our goods contact with us for our quotation as regards to our various types of products.
Ob in Schulen und Universitäten, öffentlichen Gebäuden oder im Office-Bereich: Heißgetränke aus dem Automaten sind ein praktischer und beliebter Genuss für zwischendurch – und stellen damit einen lukrativen Markt dar. Neben Kaffeespezialitäten ist hier vor allem Automatenkakao ein wichtiger Umsatzbringer. Wir von Schoppe Instant Beverages produzieren seit Jahrzehnten
hochwertigen Automatenkakao für unsere Kunden – und nutzen das erlangte Wissen, um unsere Produkte stetig zu verbessern und weiterzuentwickeln. Dank unserer Erfahrung in der Entwicklung von Automatenprodukten sind wir in der Lage, Ihnen am Markt einzigartige Produkte zu bieten – und damit einen entscheidenden Vorteil gegenüber Ihrer Konkurrenz.
Poudre de lait destinée aux porcelets de 2 à 14 jours de vie. Il est parfaitement adapté à la complexité digestive du jeune porcelet , il est utilisé avant le MILKREM 14-28
utilisation en alimentation continue :
augette, taxis lait ou en automate…
Ce dilue très facilement. Le dosage par litre d’eau est de 250 à 400gr en distribution manuel et de 250 gr en machine automate.
Présentation: Sac de 25 kgs
MILKREM rentre dans le programme « EviE »